Message from Melissa: Less than $1000 from goal! If I can achieve my goal of $50,000 then I will get recognition as a top fundraiser and ability to name an LLS-researcher named in my honor.
Melissa Ledford
Although the competition has ended the battle against blood cancers continues as does the mission of LLS.
Tax deductible donations are always needed and can also be made by check to:
"The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society"
Tax deductible donations are always needed and can also be made by check to:
"The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society"
5005 Mitchelldale, Suite 115
Houston, TX 77092
Houston, TX 77092
Please include my name: "Melissa Ledford" in the memo.
Receipts for donations by check of $50 or more will automatically be sent to the address on the check.
Receipts for less than $50 are available upon request.
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society participates in matching gift programs; double your donation!